Dealer section

It is necessary to send the original annex to the contract with your stamp and signature on cash on delivery to our establishment in Ostrava. Based on this, we will extend the contract and send it back electronically.

For a contract for the LPG conversion of MAGIC systems to the vehicles, you will need a trade license for the sale of goods + repairs of road vehicles.

To, please send ID number, VAT number, invoicing data, correspondence address and contact telephone number.

On this basis, a cooperation conctract will be issued.

Validity is 2 years, price + postage fee

By paying the contract you will get:

1. Training that can be individually planned in agreement with colleagues in the workshop

2. Company stamp

3. Access to our system

4. 25% discount on goods (can be picked up individually upon agreement)

5. Regular training for news

Please check the validity of your contract. The error can also be on the DAVOZ side (there are usually outages).

If the contract is current and valid, it is necessary to contact us at 595 700 570.

Electronics, software

The emulator is installed in vehicles for which the fuel level indicator does not show correctly after installation. This means that the gas control unit thinks that it is running on petrol and the fuel is running low on the display, even though the petrol tank is still full.


Order a filter change at 595 700 570 or by e-mail or via the inquiry form and make an appointment.

Replacing the filters itself is a matter of about 15 minutes.

We sell inserts for gas-phase filters in classic or polyester design (better filtration properties).

We also have in stock gas-phase filters of foreign systems (Lovato, Tartarini, BRC, etc.)

The filter inserts must be replaced every 10,000 km, otherwise, the injectors may be damaged and the warranty may be voided.

For more info call 595 700 570.


You need to have a revision protocol; if you don't, you need to do a revision with the listing and you will get a new one.

You take the revision protocol (or also the attachment to the technical certificate) + the large TC. With that, you will go to the municipal office with the extension. scope and you want an application for LPG registration. Based on this, they will write LPG as an alternative drive to a large TC.

A new little TC will exhibit for you for 50 CZK. Then all that's left is a transcript.

From 6.9. 2011, vehicles with alternative LPG / CNG propulsion can be legally parked in any underground, above-ground or covered garage. However, provided that the garage is not marked with a traffic sign prohibiting entry to LPG / CNG vehicles. However, the places marked in this way have decreased rapidly since 2011.

Currently, our products do not have the R115 homologation, which is required in some EU countries.

Tanks and multivalves

If it is a brand that we assemble (GZWM, STAKO), we are able to deliver a new passport through the manufacturer. We are not able to advise on other brands.


Today, special LPG tanks are commonly fitted to the vehicle, which can be installed in the space instead of the spare wheel, or under the vehicle, thus saving space in the luggage compartment compared to the originally fitted cylindrical tanks.

Injectors, reducer. The gas phase filter needs to be replaced every 10,000 km.

Excerpt from Decree No. 341/2002 Coll. § 32/2 letter C:

The obligation to equip the vehicle with spare wheels does not apply to vehicles which are equipped with means for non-dismantling repair of a damaged tire enabling emergency travel.

Basically none. Stag, Elpigaz (Poland), Tartarini, Lovato, BRC, Landi Renzo (Italy) and other manufacturers of sequential gas injection work on the same principle of recalculating the length of petrol injection and its displacement (mostly extension). The injection length adjusted in this way is used for the gas injector. As HL system manufacturers, we HL PROPAN have the advantage of easy and fast availability of technical support, assembly, service and spare parts, and we also have a nationwide service network.

LPG is a liquefied petroleum gas (the abbreviation "LPG" originated from the words Liquefied Petroleum Gas) - propane, butane and their mixtures.

LPG has the same origin as gasoline and diesel in oil (it is produced during its refining). However, it can be recovered (and more than half is recovered) from natural gas as a liquid fraction separated from methane during mining. In summary, it is a mixture of liquefied refinery gases - hydrocarbons, containing mainly propane and butane and smaller amounts of higher hydrocarbons, while the ratio of propane and butane in LPG is different in different countries.

Under normal atmospheric conditions, propane-butane occurs in gaseous form. By cooling or pressing, it can be easily converted into a liquid state in which it occupies only 1/260 of the gaseous volume. When taken from a pressure vessel, LPG evaporates - it changes from a liquid to a gaseous state - and, on the contrary, increases its volume 260 times.

From a safety point of view, it is important to know that LPG is heavier than air. This means that it always settles at the lowest point of the terrain. Therefore, it is forbidden to store LPG near openings in cellars, assembly pits or canals and also directly in underground spaces.

Winter and summer mixture of propane-butane
In the Czech Republic, in the case of the use of propane-butane, the so-called winter and summer mixtures are used, where the proportion of propane and butane is contained as follows:

Type of propane-butane mixture Proportion of propane Proportion of butane
winter mix 60 % 40 %
summer mix 40 % 60 %

We offer LPG installations in almost all passenger cars, regardless of manufacturer or brand.

However, some direct fuel injection engines are an exception, such as Mercedes with CGI (Charged Gasoline Injection) and BMW with HPI (High Pressure Injection). Currently, direct fuel injection engines are problematic for LPG installations.

For some new Renault, the VIN code is in the trunk under the spare wheel. If the owner of the vehicle wants to install gas or replace the tank, it is necessary to go to another place for a replacement VIN code.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Go to the municipality with extended powers and apply for a VIN COUNTING AUTHORIZATION IN SPARE TECHNOLOGY.
  2. Ask immediately how the new VIN will be checked (each official wants it differently).
  3. With permission to go to a specialized company that is authorized to perform this activity
  4. Go to the station of techn. inspection with the new VIN (or continue according to the agreement at the municipality).

We recommend CARSCH AUTO in Ostrava and its surroundings.

The risk of an LPG tank explosion is significantly lower than in the case of a tank with conventional fuel (petrol, diesel). Even in extreme fire situations, safety tank systems should protect the car from explosions against rapid pressure build-up.

Vehicles usually start burning from spilt fuel. LPG gas explosions occur only rarely and mostly due to leaks in the system and only apply to vehicles that are parked in enclosed spaces, ie garages or underground car parks.

If you have parked in a closed garage or underground (which is sometimes forbidden but commonly violated), and you feel gas next to your car, try to manually push the car out without turning on the engine. When you are out, try to start the car and go to the service station.

Consumption is approximately 5-10% higher than petrol. This is true provided that the vehicle is in good technical condition, the measured gasoline consumption can of course be compared with the measured gas consumption. If the customer wishes, we are able to measure the difference in LPG / petrol performance.

Every filling station with a reputable LPG supplier always switches to a winter LPG mixture in the winter, as is customary, for example, with diesel. In this case, the user of such a drive makes no difference.